A Dog aka Annikhan
When people see the stage name A Dog aka Annikhan bka Your Excellency the first thing that is asked is what does it mean. A is the nickname and A Dog is really saying Alpha Dog. Annikhan is the other half of me taken from the movie Star wars (but spelled differently) going with the story line of having good intentions to save through this dream but ultimately having to choose whats right and wrong through my eyes.
Your Excellency is these two entities as one, when coming into power you must be even tempered and just....these two balance out.
The goal for me as an artist is to become successful and profitable for one reason and one reason only......to reach the masses and feed this urge to fully give the entire vision to each project I pursue.
Money is part of the motive because it has to be in order to pursue my
passion full time.
You will rarely hear profanity and will never hear the talk
of drug use or the slandering of women (I make references to it) in my
songs not because I think its wrong but to show how much more effective
the rhyme scheme is without repeating those same vulgarities countless times.
~If I Had One Lane Consider It The Runway...Take Flight~
Social Media:
LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/adogakaannikhan
Reverbnation: http://www.reverbnation.com/adogakaannikhan
SoundCloud: http://www.soundcloud.com/adogakaannikhan
YouTube: http://youtu.be/aoxHOzBgFTo
Artist Name: A Dog aka Annikhan
Track: I Don't Really Trust - Explicit/Clean
Genre: Hip Hop, Rap, Pop
Phone: (414) 312-0396
Email: rainier.sheridan@gmail.com
The MP3 is now available for immediate download by pool members